Featuring the L. Gasseri Superfood starter by Cutting Edge Cultures!L. Gasseri Superfood is fermented with prebiotic fiber!
Lactobacillus Gasseri (L. Gasseri) is one of the most important gastrointestinal (GI) microbes of the thousand or so species in the human intestinal microbiome. It is likely a “keystone” species, a species that is important for the proliferation and metabolism of numerous other microbes.
Prebiotic fibre is required to make this cultured dairy superfood, we recommend Prebio Plus Prebiotic Fiber Powder https://www.therawdiet.com/prebioplus.htmlL. Gasseri Superfood may look, taste, and smell like yogurt, but it is not a yogurt. It's a cultured dairy, made with L. Gasseri - a completely different bacteria than yogurt.
Ingredients: Lactobacillus Gasseri, non-GMO FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)
Contains live probiotics. Vegan. Dairy-free. Non-GMO. (Packaged in a facility that also handles products that may contain wheat, soy, eggs, milk, and fish.)
Our unique L. Gasseri Superfood Starter was conceived as a method of introducing high quantities of this beneficial probiotic microbe into your microbiome. We do that by fermenting the starter culture in dairy for 36 hours at a low temperature, with the addition of prebiotic fiber.
This 'low and slow' method enables the L. Gasseri to proliferate many times over, until there are hundreds of billions of live probiotic bacteria in the jar.
The resulting concentrations of L. Gasseri are much higher than can be obtained from supplements*, and from yogurts, including homemade ones, which are typically fermented relatively quickly.
The end-product is a rich, thick, delicious, pleasantly-tart, and super-healthy cultured dairy product.
Restoring your gastrointestinal tract is among the most powerful strategies you can apply for health, both physical and emotional.
* The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
And there's a bonus, too! Once you've made a batch of L. Gasseri Superfoood using our L. Gasseri Superfood starter, you can use some of it to culture your next batch! This is called 'reculturing' and can be repeated several times over.
L. Gasseri Superfood is not a yogurt, although it may look and taste like one, depending on the dairy used. (And for the same reason it may also look and taste very differently; like cheese, for example).
L. Gasseri Superfood is a unique cultured dairy, made with completely different strains of bacteria than yogurt. These beneficial bacteria are called Lactobacillus Gasseri (L. Gasseri).
Our L. Gasseri Superfood Starter was conceived as a method of introducing high quantities of L. Gasseri into your microbiome. The fermentation of the starter culture in dairy for 36 hours at a low temperature in the presence of prebiotic fiber (very different fermentation process than yogurt), enables the L. Gasseri to proliferate many times over, until there are hundreds of billions of live bacteria in the jar.
The resulting concentrations of L. Gasseri are much higher than can be obtained from any currently available supplement or yogurt (including homemade ones) that we know of.
This works well with the
Prebio Plus Prebiotic Fiber Powder https://www.therawdiet.com/prebioplus.htmlWe recommend adding Prebio Prebiotic Fiber as food for the L. Gasseri (which are living bacteria and need to eat), and for a thicker texture.Recommended Dairy to Use:* For a very rich and vey thick end-product: 1 quart of half and half (ultra-pasteurized or heated to 195 degrees F for 10 minutes and cooled, preferably organic, without additives).
* For a rich and thick end-product: 2 cups of half and half + 2 cups of 2% or whole milk (ultra-pasteurized or heated to 195 degrees F for 10 minutes and cooled, preferably organic, without additives).
* For a fairly rich end-product: 1 quart of whole milk or 2% milk (ultra-pasteurized or heated to 195 degrees F for 10 minutes and cooled, preferably organic, without additives).
* Why ultra-pasteurized? Because ultra-pasteurization, or heating the dairy and then cooling it, changes the dairy's composition in a way that helps it to thicken, and may also help prevent it separating into curds and whey. Most organic dairy is ultra-pasteurized. Use dairy without additives.
* Why without additives? Because they interfere with the fermentation and increase separation into curds and whey
* Dairy to avoid: low fat milk (too thin), cream only (too thick), and raw milk (it contains competing bacteria)
* Can I use goat milk? Yes, but the result will be thin. Goat milk is also more prone to separation.
* Can I use raw milk? No. It contains competing bacteria.
* Can I use A2 milk? yes.
* Can I use low-lactose milk? We have not tested low-lactose dairy, so it is hard to tell how it might perform. Take into account that low-lactose dairy may not ferment well, given that the bacteria feed on the lactose (as well as on the fiber) in order to perform the fermentation.
* Can I use non-dairy beverages? Our L. Gasseri Superfood was primarily designed for dairy. Fermentation of non-dairy beverages, while sometimes doable, is much trickier.
UPC # 796520340138
Shipping Weight: 1 ounce
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Questions? Give me a call at 503-771-3904 or email mike (at) therawdiet.com ; Office hours are between 9am and 9pm, seven days a week.
Best Regards,
Mike Snyder store owner